In addition to the duties listed in the bylaws for President, Newly-elected President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Third Vice President, Fourth Vice President, Fifth Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Parliamentarian, the officers’ duties are outlined here as follows:
The President will manage the operations of the PTA Unit. The president serves as the presiding officer of the Local PTA and presides over executive board and membership meetings. It is the president’s responsibility to be well prepared. The president distributes all materials to the appropriate officer or committee chair.. The president directs the affairs of the association in cooperation with the other members of the board for a one- year term. The term begins and ends at the close of the school year, as specified in the Local PTA bylaws.
Participation and cooperation secured from officers, committee chairs and members will determine the success of the administration. The president meets with the Principal and helps plan the PTSA calendar of events.
Specific duties include:
- Attend monthly meetings with the principal (30-60 minutes) and maintain digital contact weekly
- Attend committee meetings as needed (1-1.5 hours each, likely 5 throughout the year)
- With assistance from committee chairs, email coordination and management of events and votes and advise other executive board members (approximately 1 hour per week)
- Attend school functions as often as possible (1-2 hours each in the evening, approximately 12 per year)
- The Council Delegate and the Legislative Chair work directly with the President
1st VP Membership
The VP Membership will recruit members and maintain membership data throughout the school year by:
- Coordinate events such as back to school drive and staff recruitment drives (1-2 hours per week for the first two months of school and the couple of weeks prior to school).
- Collect and submit Membership payments (Included in the 1-2 hours noted above).
- Ensure Council dues are paid annually
- Report to Texas PTA regularly
- Apply for Texas PTA Membership Awards
- Recruit and Chair the Lifetime Member Committee
- Attend the Lifetime Member Banquet--usually in February (3 hours one evening).
- Additionally the Membership VP must serve as a member of the budget and calendar planning committees (1-1.5 hours each).
- Serve as a signer on the bank account
- Attend school functions as often as possible (1-2 hours each in the evening, approximately 12 per year)
- Manage student member scholarships including advertising the scholarships and their requirements to students, as well as creating and chairing the selection committee and any other relevant
2nd VP -- Communications
The VP Communications is responsible for:
- Maintaining and updating the PTSA website as needed and as people send new information and photos.
- Maintain and update online
- These tasks listed above, estimate 1-2 hour per
- Assisting with online form creation and editing as needed. (Other board members can assist with )
- Draft and send weekly eNews weekly. (1-2 hour per week).
- Additionally, the Communications VP must serve on the on the Budget and Calendar planning committees (1-1.5 hours each).
- Maintain Domain name and website host
- At the beginning of the year, the VP Communications will need to update all forwarding email addresses (1 hour at the beginning of the year).
- Be responsible for indicated advertising upcoming school events, volunteer need, fundraisers, etc. using all resources and avenues including PTSA website, eNews, emails, eBlasts, and social
- Work with the Social Media Chair position.
3rd VP Ways and Means
The VP Ways and Means will actively manage the fundraising/income for the PTA Unit and they work with several committee chairs. This person is responsible for actively overseeing all aspects of fundraising or income producing aspects of the PTSA including:
- Standing Committee Chairs are:
- Auction
- Fundraising Chair
- Spirit Nights
- Spirit Wear
- Testing
- Additionally, the Ways and Means VP must serve on the Budget and Calendar planning committees (1-
- 5 hours each).
- Serve as a signer on the bank
- Must present a fundraising report for the year at the last PTSA membership
- The time estimate for this job is difficult to calculate. There is time put in when attending the vendor fair, emailing vendors to set up events, and with physical efforts distributing and sorting depending on the fundraiser.
4th VP Volunteers
VP Volunteers is responsible for Recruiting, scheduling, training and managing volunteers for the PTSA unit.
- This person will work closely with chairs and school administration to determine volunteer needs for all PTSA and as-needed school events throughout the
- Knowledge of Membership Toolkit is required for posting signup forms and communicating with volunteers.
- Additionally, the VP of Volunteers must serve on the Budget and Calendar planning committees (1-1.5 hours each)
- Volunteers Standing Chairs:
- Clothing Closet
- DADs club
- Hospitality
- Student Volunteer Chair
- Teacher Appreciation
5th VP Programs
The Programs VP will assist the President in meeting preparation and communications with the executive board. The VP Programs will actively research and secure parent and learner programs. This role involves:
- Work with several Standing Committee Chairs including:
- Business Partners
- Ceremonies
- Learner Activities
- School Events
- Prom
- Reflections
- Senior Activities
- Meet with the principal as indicated for planning meetings (1-1.5 hours each, approximately 5 times per year)
- Work with school administration and student committees to organize and manage Red Ribbon
- Additionally the VP Programs must serve on the Budget and Calendar planning committees (1-1.5 hours each).
- The VP Programs will work with school administration and the Business Partners Chair to facilitate Learners on Location, Titan Talk, and Seminars when
The Treasurer will manage the budget and financial documents for the PTSA unit. Must work closely with the other executive board members. The treasurer will:
- Review and study all references to duties and finances provided by the Texas PTA and as outlined in the local PTSA bylaws and standing rules (5 hours).
- Maintain detailed accounts of all monies received and disbursed and EIN
- Maintain sales tax records for submission and payment to the Texas Comptroller’s office in January (3 hours)
- Compile and present financial reports at executive board and PTSA membership meetings (1-1.5 hours)
- Make timely deposits
- Perform monthly bank account reconciliations (30 minutes each month)
- Submit to the Financial Reconciliation Committee all required materials in a timely manner (5 hours for preparation of materials).
- Complete and file the appropriate 990 form no later than 60 days after the fiscal year ends (1 hour).
- Upon leaving office, provide a detailed report of all fundraisers conducted in the current sales tax reporting period (3 hours).
- Anticipate 1-2 hours weekly for maintenance of records in MTK and notebook and completing depot and check drop
The Secretary will actively and accurately take minutes at each meeting and maintain a notebook containing the minutes and financial documents for the PTSA Unit. Anticipate 3-4 hours per month for:
- Composing minutes and maintain the secretary notebook
- Notifying executive board members of meetings
- Managing executive board correspondence
- Managing conflict of interest and ethics policies
- Monitoring Texas PTA Foundations Leader Orientation training
- Submitting names and contact information for the executive board with Plano ISD PTA and Texas PTA
- Be responsible for binding the executive board meeting and membership meeting minutes at the end of the year.
The Parliamentarian advises the executive board and members on matters of parliamentary procedure and serves as a consultant. The Parliamentarian assists (the PTSA President with the proper execution of Roberts’ Rules of Order during PTSA Meetings, assist the President with following our PTSA bylaws and standing rules, answer questions about procedure if someone is unsure, but do not offer thoughts or opinions. Specifically, the Parliamentarian:
- Works with the incoming parliamentarian to transfer any needed information or
- Becomes familiar with the parliamentary authority, Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised (RONR).Bring it to every meeting for reference as
- Ensures Academy HS PTSA meets all requirements of the Standards of Continuing Affiliation
- Ensures Nominating Committee by provided procedural
The following are job descriptions for the standing committee chairs
Reporting to the President:
- Council Delegate
- The Council Delegate will attend Plano Council PTA meetings as the AHS PTSA representative and report pertinent information back to our local unit. 2 hour monthly meetings.
- Legislative Chair
- The Legislative chair is to attend meetings of the Plano ISD Board of Trustees and report back to the executive board. The Chair will also keep up with Legislative action in Austin and report back to the executive board. 2 hour monthly meetings.
Reporting to the VP of Programs:
- Business Partners Chair
- The Business Partners chair is responsible for establishing, promoting and maintaining partnerships with community businesses that will benefit the school, students and PTSA programs.
- They will actively work with the school administration and the VP Programs to help facilitate Learners on Location, Titan Talk, seminars, experts/mentors, panelists, partnerships and internships.
- Ceremonies
- The Ceremonies chairperson must work closely with the school’s staff and other chairs to plan and provide for ceremonies (often including cake, other refreshments and needed accouterments) throughout the year including NHS and ring ceremonies.
- This may also include time for donation requests from parents or businesses.
- Plan 3-5 hours for order, collection, and set-up for each event.
- Learner Activities
- The Learner Activities chair is responsible for meeting with school staff and creating and meeting with student committees as indicated to help facilitate three events throughout the school year including:
- Homecoming (usually in October)
- League of Our Own (usually in January)
- Titan Fest (June)
- The Learner Activities chair is responsible for meeting with school staff and creating and meeting with student committees as indicated to help facilitate three events throughout the school year including:
- Learner Events
- The Learner Event Chair is responsible for meeting with school staff and coordinating executive board members as indicated to help facilitate at least three events throughout the school year including:
- Freshman Orientation (before the start of school)
- Open House (usually in August)
- New Titan Night (February)
- The Learner Event Chair is responsible for meeting with school staff and coordinating executive board members as indicated to help facilitate at least three events throughout the school year including:
- Prom
- The Prom chair person is responsible for coordinating all aspects of Prom (usually held in April or May), including:
- Meeting and working with representatives of the student body and the PTSA student members to collect their input,
- Finding a location
- Arranging for decorations, music, and food
- Working with the VP of Volunteers and school staff to procure chaperones
- Pricing, selling and distributing tickets
- Coordinating associated activities as requested (i.e. Prom fashion show). Anticipate 2-5 hours per week starting in January
- The Prom chair person is responsible for coordinating all aspects of Prom (usually held in April or May), including:
- Reflections
- The Reflections Chair will manage the process of entering AHS students Fine Arts submissions to the district Reflections Program.
- That includes advertising and soliciting submission by a deadline, overseeing local judging, and transporting submissions to district.
- The Reflections Chair will also work with the Hospitality Chair to host a reception for the participants.
- This is a time-limited event occurring in the first semester (advertising usually starts at the prior year’s end, with intensive promotion at the beginning of the, October/November local submissions and judging, and December district).
- Anticipate 2 hours per month from the beginning of the school year through district in December, with an additional 3-5 hours on local submission/judging day and the day of transport to district.
- Senior Activities
- The Senior Activities chair is responsible for events related to all senior learners including:
- Senior Sunrise (anticipate 3 hours on the first day of school)
- Senior Sunset (anticipate 30 min – 1h if it is part of the Senior Recognition. Anticipate 3 hours if it is treated as a separate event).
- Senior Recognition (anticipate 2 hours per week from March until May): Includes researching and securing a location or caterer, managing decorations, recruiting volunteers and attending the ceremony (anticipate 5-8 hours the day of the ceremony).
- The Senior Activities chair is responsible for events related to all senior learners including:
Reporting to the VP of Ways and Means:
- Auction
- The Auction chair is responsible for coordinating and hosting the AHS online auction, which is usually held in February.
- By October, the Auction chair should start soliciting donations via email, mail, and in person.
- The Auction chair can request help from members of the executive board and membership in obtaining the donations.
- The chair will then be required to post the donations to the auction site and then distribute the donations, including creating and managing a committee or recruiting volunteers to help with these tasks as appropriate.
- This is a time-limited, but labor-intensive position.
- Anticipate 6 hours of work per week from October 1st through the end of February
- Fundraising
- Fundraising chair is responsible for managing:
- Minor Fundraising efforts (actively looking for and managing new fundraising opportunities).
- Passive Fundraising Income (including managing online donations through toolkit, advertising and maintaining subscriptions to Amazonsmile, Safeway, Kroger, BBVA Compass Bank and World Wear Project).
- Spirit Nights
- The Spirit Nights Chair is responsible for arranging and promoting any give back event.
- Attendance at the events is not required, but anticipate 1-2 hours per event for coordination efforts with the businesses and the school for advertising.
- Ideally, plan for one event every month.
- Spirit Wear Chair
- Spirit Wear Chair will manage the designing, ordering and distribution process of spirit wear.
- The Spirit Wear Chair is responsible for collecting student input for design by survey, managing a student committee, facilitating design contests, etc.
- This is a year-round job, including design selection, actively shopping estimates for the best values, collecting orders from purchasers, placing orders with vendors, and then distributing those orders.
- Some of this will occur over the summer.
- Additionally, the spirit wear chair will be responsible for placing orders for incoming 1st year learner t-shirts, senior shirts, PTSA board shirts and staff shirts.
- This chair is responsible for all forms of spirit wear including clothing items, car tags, and memorabilia.
- Time estimates for this are also difficult to calculate.
- During the weeks before the start of school and the first two months of school, 2-5 hours per week is likely.
- There will be several months during the year that have no spirit wear involvement. Otherwise 1-2 hours month for soliciting designs, etc. is likely.
- Testing
- The Testing chair is responsible for working with vendors and the school’s administration to provide practice ACT/SAT tests, scoring and reviews twice per year, once in the fall and once in the spring.
- Anticipate 2-3 hours per session for coordinating efforts and 5 hours each semester to be present on testing day.
Reporting to the VP of Communications
- Social Media
- The Social Media Chair is responsible for maintaining and updating social media as needed and as new information and photos are sent. This includes:
- Updating the PTSA Facebook page (sending reminders and advertising).
- Advertising upcoming school events, volunteer need, fundraisers, etc. using all resources and avenues including social
Reporting to the VP of Volunteers
- Clothing Closet
- The Clothing Closet Chair is responsible for maintaining the learners’ professional dress closet. Management includes:
- Soliciting clothing donations (1 hour per month)
- Setting up the displays (4 hours at the beginning of each semester and 30 minutes per month)
- Tracking the check-in and check-out process (1 hour per month)
- Ensuring that the clothes a properly cleaned. (30 minutes per month)
- The Clothing Closet Chair is responsible for maintaining the learners’ professional dress closet. Management includes:
- DADs Club
- The Dads’ Club Chair is responsible for creatively recruiting, motivating, cajoling, and enticing the male volunteers.
- Although not limited to male members of the household, this group will work on activities that usually occur outside of the normal school day.
- This chair will work with the Hospitality, Learner Events chair to support activities such as grilling or fixing things and usually not in the normal school day.
- Hospitality
- The Hospitality chair will manage luncheons, food and baked goods the PTSA Unit provides for parents, learners and community volunteers at various events, including, but not limited to project evaluation days, capstone presentations, etc. Time estimate includes 2-4 hours at school on the day of the event, 1-2 hours at school for parent/learner events – approximately 4 throughout the year,
- Teacher Appreciation
- The Teacher Appreciation chair will manage luncheons, food and baked goods the PTSA Unit provides for the staff.
- Some of the suggested events include: back to school breakfast or lunch the week before school starts, Teacher Appreciation Week (which includes one luncheon for the week and a treat of some kind each day). Occasional treats throughout the year in accordance with the Teacher Appreciation Budget.
- Time estimate includes 5 hours at school on the day of the luncheons, 1-2 hours of prep time for the non-luncheon teacher treats, and 1-2 hours to make treats.
- Learner Liaison/Student Volunteers
- This position requires promoting learner volunteering and participation in PTSA events.
- This includes using all venues to advertise volunteer opportunities to students, like announcements, campus email, direct communication in satellites.
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Upcoming Events
- Monday, February 17
- Tuesday, February 18
- Monday, February 24
- Monday, March 10
Plano Academy High School
Visit the high school website.
Volunteer Corner
Remember to complete your volunteer background check through the PISD district site. It must be renewed every year. It is mandatory in order to chaperone field trips, socials, and other activities involving students...
Why Join PTSA?
Successful students make successful schools— which make thriving communities. Everyone benefits when you support students!
Visit the PISD Feeder School Spirit Night Calendar
PTSA Mission Statement
To create a community of learners empowered to collaborate and compete in a rapidly changing world by engaging and empowering families to support and advocate for our students.