Volunteer Corner
The best way to make a difference in your child’s education is to be involved. Whether you can volunteer an hour a week or an hour a year or donate items we would be thankful to have your help! We are happy to have you be a part of the Plano Academy High School family and look forward to working with you.
Plano Academy Volunteer Interest Form
Complete the Volunteer Interest Form to express your interest in where you would like to volunteer.
Volunteers can access Plano ISD's volunteer system, VOLY, to create an account & complete application, online orientation & criminal history background check. These must be done each school year. Visit plano.voly.org
- First you need to register and then go under My Applications to do the background check.
- Side Note-you might think you have completed the background check when you register but you need to fill out all 5 parts of the application.
- Your screen should look like the image below.
- You will then get an email from forms@pisd.edu with the subject "Your Plano ISD Background Check submission has been received"
- You will then get an email from planoisd@volnow.org with the subject "Background Check Status for plano.voly.org!"
More details at PlanoISD: https://www.pisd.edu/Domain/
Student Volunteers click here to see information on how to set up your account on our website to volunteer.
For additional information on volunteering please contact volunteers@planoacademyptsa.org.
Click HERE
Upcoming Events
- Monday, April 14
- Friday, April 18
- Monday, May 12
- Friday, May 23
Plano Academy High School
Visit the high school website.
Volunteer Corner
Remember to complete your volunteer background check through the PISD district site. It must be renewed every year. It is mandatory in order to chaperone field trips, socials, and other activities involving students...
Why Join PTSA?
Successful students make successful schools— which make thriving communities. Everyone benefits when you support students!
Visit the PISD Feeder School Spirit Night Calendar
PTSA Mission Statement
To create a community of learners empowered to collaborate and compete in a rapidly changing world by engaging and empowering families to support and advocate for our students.